The Expanding Universe

We have known for almost 100 years that the universe is expanding. In the 1920s Edwin Hubble published his famous velocity–distance diagram showing that almost all galaxies are receding and that their velocity is proportional to their distance (Hubble 1929). This relationship is summarized in Hubble’s law,

v=H0D v = H_0 D

where H0H_0 , the Hubble constant, is roughly 70 km/s/Mpc70\ {\rm km/s/Mpc} . This tells us that for every Megaparsec an object is away from us today, it tends to be receding at 70 km/s70\ {\rm km/s} . So, for example, the Coma Cluster is 103 Mpc103\ {\rm Mpc} away and is receding at roughly H0D=70 km/s/Mpc×103 Mpc=7210 km/sH_0 D = 70\ {\rm km/s/Mpc} \times 103\ {\rm Mpc} = 7210\ {\rm km/s} .

However, the fact that the universe is expanding now does not mean that it has always has been expanding or will continue to expand. How our universe will evolve in the future, and how it got to its current state, depends on its contents.

So what does the universe contain? An exhaustive list of stars, planets, people, etc would be hard to make, but fortunately at the scale of the universe we can gloss over many of those details. There are, we think, 3 fundamental things in the universe:

Working out how much of these three components there are (literally the number of kilograms of matter per cubic meter on average over the whole universe) has been one of the major goals of cosmology. We’re now fairly sure that, for matter, the density today (ρM,0\rho_{M, 0} ) is roughly 3×1027 kg/m33 \times 10^{-27}\ {\rm kg / m^3} , or less than 2 hydrogen atoms per cubic meter. Note that the 00 subscript in ρM,0\rho_{M, 0} indicates that this is the value now.

These units are not particularly useful though. Instead, the density is usually expressed in units of a critical density. This is the density at which, in a matter dominated universe, the universe’s expansion rate would asymptote to 0 at late times.

ρcrit,0=3H028πG=9×1027 kg/m3 \rho_{crit, 0} = \frac{3 H_0^2}{8 \pi G} = 9 \times 10^{-27}\ {\rm kg / m^3}

We can define the amount of matter, radiation and dark energy relative to this critical density. For example, for our universe today, the densities are:


ΩM,0=ρM,0ρcrit,0=0.31 \Omega_{M, 0} = \frac{\rho_{M, 0}}{\rho_{crit, 0}} = 0.31

dark energy,

ΩΛ,0=ρΛ,0ρcrit,0=0.69 \Omega_{\Lambda, 0} = \frac{\rho_{\Lambda, 0}}{\rho_{crit, 0}} = 0.69

radiation, ΩR,0=ρR,0ρcrit,0=8×105 \Omega_{R, 0} = \frac{\rho_{R, 0}}{\rho_{crit, 0}} = 8 \times 10^{-5}

You’ll notice that the sum of these values is suspciously close to 1 and so the density is close to the critical density.

How different would our universe’s history be if these were changed? Below we show the size of the universe over time for a variety of cosmologies. The size is expressed relative to the size today – at the time of H0=70H_0 = 70 . This is called the scale factor (aa ) which is 1 today. Note that all cosmologies are consistent with our local observations – the expansion rate is the same at t=0t = 0 .

Hover over each line to learn more about the cosmology of these universes.

Our universe (green) can be well approximated by a dark energy only universe (a de Sitter universe, grey) for the last few billion years, a radiation only universe for the first few thousand years (red), and a matter only universe (an Einstein-de Sitter universe, blue) in between. The reason for this is that the density of the components changes differently as the universe’s size changes.

The total amount of matter in the universe does not change (at least not significantly – a small amount of matter is converted to radiation and vice-versa). Thus, the density of matter decreases as the volume of the universe increases.

ρM(a)=ρM,0a3 \rho_M(a) = \frac{\rho_{M, 0}}{a^3}

ΩM(a)=ρM(a)ρcrit(a)=ρM,0a38πG3H(a)2=ΩM,0a3H02H(a)2 \Omega_M(a) = \frac{\rho_M(a)}{\rho_{crit}(a)} = \frac{\rho_{M, 0}}{a^3} \frac{8 \pi G}{3 H(a)^2} = \frac{\Omega_{M, 0}}{a^3} \frac{H_0^2}{H(a)^2}

Where H(a)H(a) is the expansion rate at the time when the scale factor is aa .

The total amount of energy in radiation does change as the universe’s size changes. The energy of a photon is inversely proportional to its wavelength E=hc/λE = hc / \lambda and as the universe expands the light is redshfited i.e., the wavelength (λ\lambda ) increases. Thus, there is an additional factor of aa on top of the a3a^3 ratio. Other than that, the math is the same.

ρR(a)=ρR,0a4 \rho_R(a) = \frac{\rho_{R, 0}}{a^4}

ΩR(a)=ΩR,0a4H02H(a)2 \Omega_R(a) = \frac{\Omega_{R, 0}}{a^4} \frac{H_0^2}{H(a)^2}

Dark energy on the other hand has (we think) a constant density. As the universe expands, more of it is created.

ρΛ(a)=ρΛ,0 \rho_{\Lambda}(a) = \rho_{\Lambda, 0}

ΩΛ(a)=ΩΛ,0H02H(a)2 \Omega_{\Lambda}(a) = \Omega_{\Lambda, 0} \frac{H_0^2}{H(a)^2}

Let’s see how these densities, along with H(a)H(a) , change over time for our universe.

Interestingly, this shows that even though expansion is accelerating (a(t)a(t) curves upward), H(a)H(a) decreases over time. In the case of our cosmology, it asymptotes to a value of roughly 58 km/s/Mpc58\ {\rm km/s/Mpc} .

H(a)2H02=ΩR,0a4+ΩM,0a3+ΩΛ,0+1Ω0a2 \frac{H(a)^2}{H_0^2} = \frac{\Omega_{R, 0}}{a^4} + \frac{\Omega_{M, 0}}{a^3} + \Omega_{\Lambda, 0} + \frac{1 - \Omega_{0}}{a^2} limaH(a)=H0ΩΛ,0 \lim_{a \to \infty} H(a) = H_0 \sqrt{\Omega_{\Lambda, 0}}

This may seem counterintuitive, but comes from the definition of HH .

H=a˙a H = \frac{\dot{a}}{a}

If HH is a constant (as we can see that it is at late times in our universe, either from the plot or equation above), the solution to that equation is a(t)=eHta(t) = e^{H t} and so the scale factor increases exponentially.

Another way to think about this is to consider two objects separated by some distance d0d_0 . The velocity between them today will be v0=Hd0v_0 = Hd_0 . At a later time, the distance between them will have increased and v1=Hd1v_1 = Hd_1 . Even if HH is constant v1>v0v_1 > v_0 as d1>d0d_1 > d_0 . In fact, as vda=eHtv \propto d \propto a = e^{H t} , the velocity will increase exponentially with time, even though HH is constant.

To really understand how changing the contents of the universe affects its expansion, play with the cosmology and see how it changes a(t)a(t) , H(a)H(a) , and Ω(a)\Omega(a) .

ΩM,0=\Omega_{M, 0} =

ΩΛ,0=\Omega_{\Lambda, 0} =

ΩR,0=\Omega_{R, 0} =

H0=H_{0} =

Some questions you might have.

If you want to know more about this, I highly recommend Barbara Ryden’s “Introduction to Cosmology” (Ryden 2016). It might be the best textbook I’ve used for any subject, striking a really nice balance between readable, detailed, and even funny. Almost everything I’ve done here is in chapter 5.


Hubble, Edwin. 1929. “A Relation Between Distance and Radial Velocity Among Extra-Galactic Nebulae.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 15 (3): 168–73.

Ryden, Barbara. 2016. Introduction to Cosmology.