Combined Spherical Harmonics

Now that we hopefully have a handle on what the individual spherical harmonics (the YlmY_l^m ) look like, we can think about combining them. To begin with, we will just look at the results of combining the orders (mm ) at fixed degree (ll ).

m=llalmYlm(θ,ϕ) \sum_{m=-l}^{l} a_{lm} Y_l^m(\theta, \phi)

There is one small subtlety to this summation. The convention is that when m0m \geq 0 we use the real component of YlmY_l^m , and when m<0m < 0 the imaginary component. This gives a full set of both real and imaginary orders (the imaginary component of m=0m = 0 is 0).

The one piece of new information we need to do the summation is the value of the alma_{lm} . In the most general case, these could be anything. Fortunately for the CMB we think that these are drawn from a Gaussian distribution.

almN(0,Cl1/2) a_{lm} \sim \mathcal{N}(0, C_l^{1/2})

We will not dig in to why we expect this to be so.1 Instead we’ll look at the results for various ll , assuming Cl=1C_l = 1 . The large figure shows the sum of all mm at the given ll . The small inlay shows the contribution of the individual mm that is selected.


alm=a_{lm} =

Working with Data

Thus far we have working entirely from the theory side with little consideration for the data. We’ve seen how to pixelate maps, a set of basis functions that allow us to express those maps in frequency space, and here we’ve started to look at how those basis functions combine to generate maps assuming we know (or can generate) the coefficients. But, in reality, cosmologists start with the maps (images of the CMB) and need to infer the coefficients (alma_{lm} ) and hence the power in each harmonic (ClC_l ). Doing this requires understanding and modeling a vast array of physical processes that affect the light of the CMB during its journey to earth. We’ll ignore all this for now2 and just consider the statistics of this inference.

For short wavelength (large ll ), we will have a large number of alma_{lm} coefficients (2l+12l + 1 of them) and will therefore be able to make an accurate estimate of ClC_l . However, for small ll , the small number of coefficients makes any estimate of ClC_l very uncertain. This uncertainty is not something we can improve by gathering more data or building more sensitive equipment. There simply aren’t many coefficients and so we don’t have enough data to make an accurate estimate of the variance of the normal that they are drawn from (ClC_l ).

The maximum likelihood estimate of ClC_l will be (Tristram and Ganga 2007),

C^l=12l+1m=llalmalm \hat{C}_l = \frac{1}{2l + 1} \sum_{m=-l}^{l} a_{lm} a_{lm}^*

where alma_{lm}^* is the complex conjugate of alma_{lm} . This estimate has an uncertainty of (eq. 11),

Std(Cl)=2n1Cl=22lCl=Cll \text{Std}(C_l) = \sqrt{\frac{2}{n - 1}}{C_l} = \sqrt{\frac{2}{2l}}{C_l} = \frac{C_l}{\sqrt{l}}

Which as you can see is largest for small values of ll . This is generally called “cosmic variance”, and can easily be seen in the Planck results.


Tristram, M, and K Ganga. 2007. “Data Analysis Methods for the Cosmic Microwave Background.” Reports on Progress in Physics 70 (6): 899–946.

  1. Partly because that would distract us from the main goal of this article and partly (mostly) because I don’t actually know myself. I plan to come back to this at some point though. The standard one line explanation is that this is a prediction of inflationary models and has to do with the initial quantum fluctuations.↩︎

  2. A very incomplete list of things that change the light of the CMB on its way to earth: Gravitational lensing (both magnification and shear), inverse Compton scattering (The SZ effect, both thermal and kinetic), dust attenuation (frequency dependent), foreground emission (from the milky way).↩︎